"Asavanants Dental"
Information on Dentistry in Thai land and Implantology.
"Gentle Dental Group"
services include cosmetic dentistry, periodontics, root canal therapy, oral surgery, and more.
"Hosanna Dental Surgery"
services include scaling and polishing, dentures, crowning and bridging, root canal therapy, and others. Attended by Dr Ben-Hanan Lim Choon Peng. In Singapore
"Hougang Dental Centre"
services include scaling and polishing, extractions, surgery, dentures, and more. Attended by Dr Chan Joon Yee. In Singapore.
"National Dental Centre"
offering dental services in restorative dentistry,
\northodontics, oral and maxillofacial surgery, teaching and specialty programmes.
"Orient Dental Laboratories & Suppliers Pte. Ltd."
specializes in non-metal restorations including ceramic crowns, porcelain laminates, inlays and outlays, implants prosthesis, and supplies.